January 1st, 2022 – The start of a new year usually starts with a champagne toast and wishes for prosperity and dreams come true. The first day of the year, it is often a "calling" for a change. It is quite refreshing to turn the page and set new intentions.
For me personally, it is the starting point for a new personal growth and a career transformation journey, aiming to bring more authenticity and happy existence in my life.
What about you? When you think of “New Year”, what is the first thing coming to your mind?
Maybe it is the excitement for a fresh start, for a new beginning or a promise for a better life. Maybe it is a commitment to start a new hobby or sign up for a new learning class. Maybe it is a commitment to travel more, to plant a vegetable garden, or to connect with certain family and friends more often. There is so much to look ahead for.
Now, let’s take this one step further and add a new word to expression:
Resolution – New Year’s Resolution. How does it feel? Did you get a nerve ball in your stomach? Did you suddenly think, “Well, no way – there is no point to set up a resolution when I know I am not going to stick to it”.
It’s totally okay. Many of us make New Year’s resolutions and the majority of us don’t keep them. But perhaps that’s because of the negative meanings associated with them.
For many of us, our resolutions don’t work because a resolution is a decision to do (or not do) something and that comes with a lot of pressure. The pressure takes variety of forms – but most often it is to recreate a new identity of us into the New Year, while setting up a goal that is difficult, even impossible to achieve. An interest in setting up a goal is not enough to keep it. We get bored, decide our goal is too intimidating, or our regular day-to-day life and routines overtake our resolve. It happens. Nobody likes pressure and intimidation, doesn’t it?
In fact, according to Strava, a social networking app used by cyclists and runners, discovered via an algorithm method that January 10 is the day most people lose enthusiasm for their resolution. They have called January 10th – Quitter’s Day.
Interesting Fact: New Year’s resolutions have been around for years. The Romans would begin their new year by making promises to the god Janus, which is where the word January comes from.
Fixed vs. Growth Mindset Impact on New Year's Resolutions and Goals
But a change in mindset is simply a difference in thought. It’s how you approach your goals or the way you approach your life and, in many ways, it’s a much more feasible option than a resolution. Carol Dweck, a phycologist in Stanford University who studies Motivation and Achievement, has discovered that the mindset a person adopts when working towards a goal is prognostic of failure or success. Those who have a Growth Mindset are more likely to achieve their goals while those who have a Fixed Mindset were highly likely to fail.
People with Growth Mindset focus on the process, instead of the outcome. They consider new experiences and challenges as opportunities to gain experience and learn.
“I’m a constantly evolving work in progress.” - a Growth Mindset Statement
People with Fixed Mindset believe that personal characteristics are fixed, and that people are born with a set amount of ability or capacity. They believe that there is no need to grow and learn because their success is imposed solely by the outside environment and circumstances. They believe talents are fixed and they can’t be rediscovered and improved. They focus on the end result vs. on the journey process.
That’s just who I am. I can’t change it.” - a Fixed Mindset Statement
How to Develop or Adapt a Growth Mindset?
Carol Dweck suggests the repetition of a mantra – “Becoming is Better than Being”.
In other words,
1. Celebrate the little steps you make, instead of holding Olympic-level expectations if you are just starting out.
2. Don’t aim for perfection. Perfection does not exist.
3. Learn from every step in the way and enjoy your journey.
4. Continue to adopt and transform. Be mindful of your progress.
5. Don't forget - a tiny improvement is still an improvement.
"No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again.” - Buddha
Till Next Time,
Dream it.
Act upon it.
Achieve it.
With Love,
Irina @ Simplicity Career Coaching